Welcome To my blog!!!!

my names jack and i think this place is really cool (mainly due to the abundance of sweets but thats besides the point) and ive really enjoyed it here, so m here to tell you what happened throughout all this week my hobbies include being lazy, gaming and reading (homestuck)

accurate picture of me –> image

## Monday


This was the first day of redhat, I had a decent bit of fun and enjoyed it all throughout. At the start of the day around 10-10:30 we had all introduced ourselves and played some short games such as:

  • two truths and a lie
  • we had to order ourselves from 1-7 based on a number given to us without talking
  • the same as the one above except with our birthdays

afterwards we had been toured around the building and shown where our desks were after that we were sat in the boardroom and learned a bit about agile and bash, the last activity we had done for today had us using mr potato heads to simulate what itd be like to be developers. so overall not too much happened today.

Tuesday (yayy)


hi, its me jack, back again, i dont really rember very much from today but i do know we learned to do shit on github as you can see (i wrote monday just like a minute before this lol) We learned to use different markdown features such as putting an image on here and making bulletpoints there was some technical difficultys today due to an influx of people coming in thus making us lose our desks but the reason for hat was because the office was having pizza that day, though i dont like pizza i might have a slice of cheese pizza sometimes. lastly we did a bit more of the blog and some of the people here had shared their experience in college with us and that was the end of today byeeeee

sidenote: you guys should read homestuck whoever is reading this


Jack is back we started today with a stand up and writing a bit of our blog ,after, had a short 10 minute break to talk At 10:30 we did an activity were we needed to build a rollercoaster with tape, cups and straws. We started by constructing wgat i called the coat hanger which looked vaguely like a coat hanger standing on four legs, we then started to make the actual coaster. we used a small box which the straws came ina pice of paper, about 6 paper cups ands two straws with alot of tape we put 2 of the paper cups in the box to siphon a ball through it and had the start be the piece of paper pointed upwards, that was the entrance and then we angled the box up with two straws and lastly we put 4 cups at the end curved into a kinda half loop. after that we had a short break and now we’re writing this (we are writing the blog)



This is the text area where you can enter your blog details for Thursday.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ultrices dolor id consequat ullamcorper. Donec sed hendrerit nibh, sit amet pharetra risus. Aliquam fermentum nisi ut nibh maximus mattis quis in ex. Etiam lobortis ligula a lacinia placerat. Cras vehicula nisi in mauris pretium ultricies. Suspendisse urna sapien, facilisis non fringilla eget, dapibus eu est. Duis placerat est eget eleifend vulputate.

  • Mauris laoreet fermentum ante, non pulvinar lectus.
  • Integer pellentesque velit sem, vitae feugiat ex ultricies ut.
  • Fusce ac scelerisque nisi. Nunc sollicitudin a neque eget lobortis.

Pellentesque aliquam lobortis augue, ut pulvinar elit viverra non. Vivamus dapibus lorem lorem, non viverra elit commodo eget. Duis auctor at nulla a gravida. Phasellus finibus orci a elit faucibus, nec maximus massa euismod.



This is the text area where you can enter your blog details for Friday.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ultrices dolor id consequat ullamcorper. Donec sed hendrerit nibh, sit amet pharetra risus. Aliquam fermentum nisi ut nibh maximus mattis quis in ex. Etiam lobortis ligula a lacinia placerat. Cras vehicula nisi in mauris pretium ultricies. Suspendisse urna sapien, facilisis non fringilla eget, dapibus eu est. Duis placerat est eget eleifend vulputate.

  • Mauris laoreet fermentum ante, non pulvinar lectus.
  • Integer pellentesque velit sem, vitae feugiat ex ultricies ut.
  • Fusce ac scelerisque nisi. Nunc sollicitudin a neque eget lobortis.

Pellentesque aliquam lobortis augue, ut pulvinar elit viverra non. Vivamus dapibus lorem lorem, non viverra elit commodo eget. Duis auctor at nulla a gravida. Phasellus finibus orci a elit faucibus, nec maximus massa euismod.

