Sophia McCarthy Blog
Welcome To My Blog!
- Hello! My name is Sophia Mc Carthy and I’m a St Angelas Ursuline TY student and im taking part in a week of work experience in RedHat.
On Monday we got a introduction to the office and a tour around showing us their facilities and offices theres a shower and tredmill along with other things. In the morning we did a few ice breakers and introduced ourselves here i met James, Jen, Pat and Dominik. After we played Mario Kart and explored the area and then at 2 o clock we had a work shop and had to build Mr Potato heads (our theme was disney) where this showed us the consept of “to do,do and done” which was presented to us by David i found this really intresting and it also showed us that we need to check in with the customer to make sure they are satisfied with the things we are working on before we move on. We didnt really use the computers much today other than getting signed in which was this morning and making a Github account which we did later in the day with Pat
Today we had a stand up meeting where we talked about what we did yesterday and voiced and questions or complaints Then we started coding with Pat, which i found very interesting and it was someting new that i had never done before, we were entering multiple diffrent commands Shortly after this we started working on our blogs and we had to sit down in our work space and do it which ws good we got a real feel of what its like to be in a working enviornment. we finished our monday blogs on Github and got them updated to the website and we got shown how to use github a bit more And after lunch we got a talk about women in tech which was very education and being a girl myself it was nice talking to someone who was trying to get into a male dominated work space
Today was Engineers Day, so in the morning we had another stand-up meeting talking about what we had done the last day.
Then we got a long break, and in the cafateria we got given a brown envelope that had spaghetti, a marshmellow, string, tape, and scissors.
With these items, we had to make a tower with the marshmellow on top, and it had to stand by itself, and whoever made the tallest tower wins.
Then after lunch we sat down again in different groups and had two hours to make a roller coaster with a pack of straws and tape, and the coaster had to have a 360 loop and had to be able to carry a ball.
Mine unfortunately didn’t work that well, but it looked cool.
Today we started the morning doing the stand-up per usual and voiced what we did the day before and any issues.
Then we got sent back to our offices to work on our blogs.After this we got breakfast with the office.
In the evening we are getting a talk about artificial intelligence (AI) from Sean and Domonik, which I found very educational.
We also got to kind of program our own AI chat bots. We picked a topic and had to ask questions and answer them, which we did in pairs.
After lunch we had to make a project on Rain Gardens and use AI to make the presentation, which we did in the same pairs and we had to present them in front of everyone.
Then we had a Zoom call with a man from Italy talking about the use of AI with cars.
And how they are involved with formula 1
Today is unfortunately the last time I will be updating this blog. I have to say I’m definitely going to miss it. We had to stand up again this morning and then got into programming our own robots, and we raced them against each other, which was great fun. We also had a meeting where we talked about how we thought the work experience went and what they could change, and we got free stickers!! then for lunch they got us pizza, which was really good. Over all, I really loved this experience and found it very educational, and the staff here are lovely and have a great sense of humor.